We are recovering today from a week of family fun. Melissa was here for the full week and we were all joined by Chris, Emily and Samantha from Wednesday through Sunday. We spent most of our time lounging on the couch and watching the babies but we did make it outside a few times. It was so much fun to see Samantha and realize how much she has changed and developed in a few short months.
Here is a pic of the crew:
Getting a five week old to look at the camera without crying was not the easiest thing to do.

Here I am trying to get Avery to smile for the camera. She is already resisting my efforts!

Lindsay and her wonderful mom, Marsha, stopped by to visit the babies on Saturday. It was great to spend some time with Marsha, who was kind enough to supply us with homemade cinnamon rolls. Yum!

Super Dad/Uncle Chris taking care of his babies.

Avery glaring adoringly at her Aunt Melissa. Melissa was such a huge help to us all week!

Avery and Samantha in their matching outfits.

Samantha and her proud mama and papa hanging out.

The babies behaving like champs on our walks.

Ang and I hanging out with the babies. This is one of many times when Samantha would try to stick her fingers in Avery's mouth to wake her up.

One of the few times Samantha was sad during the weeklong stay. So cute!

Pretty little princess Avery wearing her new bow!

Samantha loved playing in our Rainforest Jumparoo.

Kissing cousins:)
Some more random pictures of the cuties:
Daddy and Samantha spending some quality time.

Melissa and Avery enjoying some quiet time.
A big night in the Wiegand household - the first Giants/Eagles game of the season. Avery is sporting a Giants sleeper and a snazzy pair of Giants' sneakers courtesy of Uncle Chris and Aunt Emily upon finding out that we were pregnant. We are thinking we may get two seasons out of this outfit!

Angela proving that she is quite the multi-tasker!

Avery spending some more time in the great outdoors.

Election Day! Thank goodness this little girl of ours was born a Democrat:)

Avery loves hanging out with her Daddy.

I was just going through the camera and realized that there are a few pictures that I forgot to upload over the last couple of weeks.
Here is Avery modeling next to a giant zucchini that Ang and Linds grew in their garden.

Here is a picture I snapped when my Dad was having some Avery time.

Avery was quite a crankpot on Halloween so we weren't able to take as many pictures as would have liked. But, here are a couple of shots of the baby in her Halloween outfit. Like most of her other outfits, there is plenty of room to grow in this one!

1 comment:
I LOVE THE PICTURES!!! I have been patiently/anxiously waiting to see pics of the girls together. What darling little cousins:)
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